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The initial concept for A3TECT was to develop a design consulting firm that focused on sustainable products, community planning, leadership in energy and environmental design.  This idea to create a design firm that would develop innovative and fresh ideas towards smart building, began during the course while at The University of Texas -San Antonio. 


The goal was to become political and stretch out to architects and engineers, city planners, and directors of planning and development.  We started with natural lighting design and consulting, later the roofing construction and project management developed.  General contract work began shortly after, designing residential homes, retrofits, and commercial projects.


Our company was founded on October 2012, and since then we have transformed and adapted to the construction services for the South Texas Region.  We strive to design and build for an environment that will sustain and support the health of future generations.  

Alexa Young, CA

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Morgan James, NY

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