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Gelman Museum Project

This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 

Roofers at Work

Rio Hondo Middle

School Project

Roofing..  This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 

Solar Panel Repair

Community Center Project

Hydropanels.. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 


Buell Central Project

Hydropanels.. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 


Roof Shingles

Rosario Machuca Project

Roofing.. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 

Wooden Home Framing

Quinta Quiroga Project

Framing residential.. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 

Varnishing the Deck

Luis Todd Project

Patio addition design+build.. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 

Roof Construction

Ricardo Beas Project

Roof design+build.. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. This is a paragraph and a test. 

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